Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Taking My Life to the Next Level

Let's get personal. I just weighed myself. After a week of food events for the SoBeWFF and several restaurant openings, including the opening of YARD HOUSE last night where I stuffed myself, I'm weighing in at a much heavier weight that I've ever been. So it's back to the gym, I'm cutting out everything that I can even though I'm weak and have no will power. If you mention cheesecake then I'll rush out and order one. But, if I weigh myself every morning I'm hoping to scare myself into action. I guess I'm weight vain or is that just weight conscious? Not only am I hitting the gym at 11 am today for a Hard Core Cuts class but I'm going to the Standard for a bit of a spa day. The day at the Standard includes a workshop called: Life Reinvention: Self Mastery Tools to Take Your Life to the Next Level. It's a workshop led by author Jennifer Grace. Has anyone participated in any of her workshops? I would appreciate your feedback if you have. I signed up once before but didn't make it and I'm writing about it in this blog to make sure that I attend this time. I need to take my life to the next leval and lose pounds in the process. Hopefully tomorrow when I blog I will be lighter and be able to share my experience. Old blogger fans will notice that I'm now getting personal and sharing my life instead of just events. It's the first step to getting to the next level (I hope). Until later, Cheers.
                                                                       The Standard

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