Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Before landing in South Beach, Cubby led an adventurous life (without Peter Pan) in the cities of Los Angeles (3 times), San Francisco, New York (twice), Richmond (that's in Virginia), and Roanoke (also in Virginia). There are several more books in the works inspired by those ventures including LAUREL AVENUE (a Hollywood tale filled with gossip, fame, a kidnapping, comedians, writers, would-be-actors, nosy neighbors and a bubbly blonde sitcom star), BORN UNDER A STAR (a university student leaves school in Virginia for a magical adventure in San Francisco, a city he has never visited and knows no one, however, he finds a purpose and a new life), and FINDING YOUR SPOTLIGHT (a young New York actor discovers a friend in his sixty-eight-year-old landlandy who was once a Ziegfeld girl and traveled the world before she settled for a life in the basement apartment of her Upper West Side brownstone).

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