Friday, February 28, 2014

Going to the Next Level with Jennifer Grace

Jennifer Grace

Have you ever gone to a talk or a workshop that seemed geared just for you? I mean one that was tailored to your needs, using tools that you understand, and even wording that you might have used if you were leading the workshop. I attended one such workshop on Wednesday evening at The Standard. This was The Creative Insight Journey - A Transformational Course for Self-Mastery. The question she posed was "Are you ready to take the big lead?" Earlier that day I had just pulled out a film script that I had been working on and thought that I needed to get back to finishing it. Jennifer Grace, the best-selling author and former actress leading the workshop told us that we all needed to be writers and directors and write our own script and direct our own movie. Of course I related. She went on to say that we had to guide our lives just the way a director might direct the course of a film. She shared her tools to a positive fulfilling life and made it seem simple and easy. While I'm not big self-help type person, I totally understood her method and it all made sense. It's all about being positive and planning your life. "We have the power to choose our perspective on that fact," she said. "We can choose a positive belief just as easily as a negative belief." 

While I'm not currently taking her workshop (she teaches an 8-week workshop at The Standard and at her center in Ft. Lauderdale)  I play to follow and test her principles on my own. I may eventually take her workshop but I'm going to try create change on my own. I will let you know if I see any changes in my life and will share the methods. 

Starting today I'm creating a new future self while retaining the best from the old self.

And the journey begins....

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