Wednesday, December 5, 2012

DesignMiami Dazzles

 Line waiting to enter DesignMiami
Last night the Vernissage for DesignMiami was stylishly packed with a beautiful and smartly-dressed crowd, even the Miami locals that I saw had dressed for the occasion. Champagne flowed freely as the crowd ooed and awed at the gorgeous, innovative designs while stealing glances at the crowd. The Audi installation was a draw, or was it the champagne bar behind the R18 race car that inspired the R18 Ultra Chair on display?
 La Mans winning R18 race car
DesignMiami usually impresses, at least me if no one else, and I take great pleasure roaming through the exhibits, sitting on newly designed chairs, asking about lighting that I would never buy but enjoy none the less, and wondering where all those interesting people came from and if they always dress that way. Last night, one lady seemed out of place dressed in an over the top cocktail dress with feathers but she may have been dressed for another party. Someone once said, dress like you're going somewhere better, this lady did not fit that description. For the most part I felt like a kid wandering through a wonderland of toys and unlike the art which hangs in Art Basel and the tents of the Art Fairs, most everything here has a use, or so the design reps proudly stated. Uniquely designed chairs, lighting, outrageous jewelry, unfunctional shelves, stairs to nowhere, and colorful tables. Yes, there was even a table designed like the United States with the letters to the word INDEPENDENCE as the legs.
While I enjoyed looking at the Swarovski Crystal house, I could only imagine it as a playhouse for a little girl who would never be allowed to play in it. When I saw the rapper Pharrell and his beautiful model girlfriend, Helen Lasichanh, I thought maybe that Crystal house might find a buyer after all. Finally, after consuming my champagne limit, I gathered up a stack of free art magazines and filled my free Audi tote bag and headed out into the night. Outside the line to enter went around the block which made my experience much richer since I arrived before the line. Another beautiful night in Miami.  
 Below is a Bubble chair presented by INDUSTRY (very comfortable)

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