Happy Mother's Day all. Yesterday I experienced weightlessness. It was the Zero G experience (google Zero G). We were taken up in Zero G Force One and experienced 15 parabalas of weightlessness. It was amazing. It was actually like being in space, well I have nothing to compare it to as I've never been in space, but I can imagine. One minute you were lying on your back and the next you were floating in air. I was able to do somesaults in the air, drink floating M&Ms and drink floating water. Not that eating floating M&Ms is so great but it was pretty fun and I was hungry. It was pretty amazing. I came back and went to the Clevelander where my friend Mykel Stevens was having his weekly Saturday party. I saw a couple of people there who were floating but not because of weightlessness. It was an amazing day. Here's a shout out to my mom. I love you.
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