Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Writing Again

Last night I went to see the new Jeff Bridges' film Crazy Heart. While waiting for the film to start, I was talking to my friend and got on the subject of jobs. I realized that I now have, more or less, six different jobs. Some are freelance writing jobs, one is the new restaurant manager job, one is a research job and one is the on-going ghost writing job. No wonder I have no time to work on my new novel. I'm still trying to reschedule my life since I'm working five nights a week. The classes at the gym, which I have become addicted to, are being switched with daytime classes. It's a process but one that I'm happily working out. Soon everything will have it's place again and I will be solvent, thus happier. That also means that I'll be happily writing. I've never been able to write when I have no money in my bank account but with the new job, the words should flow freely. By the way, Crazy Heart was a very good film. A nice adaptation from the book but as always I recommend that you read the book first.


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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